- The Asian Hornet Workers are about 25mm long but the Queens are about 30mm long
- Dark Thorax
- Dark Abdomen but the fourth segment is yellow
- Yellow tips to their legs
For further information on how to identify Asian Hornets.
Click Here to download the Asian Hornet Factsheet from the National Bee Unit Website.
If you think you have seen an Asian Hornet try to capture a specimen or take a good photo or video and report the sighting to the Non-Native Species Secretariat.
Click Here to open an email to the NNSS.
All beekeepers are encouraged to keep an eye out for Asian hornets in their apiaries either hawking and catching bees or on flowering plants feeding on nectar or other insects.
In the winter months nests in deciduous trees may become visible.
Beekeepers registered on BeeBase, with up to date contact and apiary details, will receive alerts via email from the NBU when Asian Hornets are sighted in their area.
Remember to report your sighting to the MBKA Asian Hornet Action Team who will be happy to assist in identifying or or getting photos of the specimen.
Monitoring and Trapping
It is illegal to trap and release an alien species, this includes Asian Hornets.
Monitoring traps can be used in the spring or late summer.
It is encouraged to trap and kill Asian Hornets using monitoring traps to confirm, identity and, via NBU, determine their origin.
Do not approach Asian Hornet nests. Asian Hornets are extremely defensive when the nest is approached.